part-time enrollment

Life Way Christian School (LWCS) supports the Christ-centered education that many homeschool parents provide for their children.  In efforts to partner with Christian parents, we are offering homeschool families the option of part-time enrollment at LWCS.  We understand that as children grow up and the classes become more advanced and elective options increase, parents may look outside the home for support in these areas.  Therefore, LWCS would like to partner with these families and allow homeschool students to take upper level courses and electives at LWCS.  The following are the requirements for part-time enrollment:


General Information:

1.      Part-time enrollment is for homeschool students only and not for students enrolled in other full-time school programs.

2.      Only 7th-12th grade students are eligible for part-time enrollment.

3.      Students participating in athletic programs must meet the Arkansas Activities Association guidelines as well as LWCS requirements including being enrolled in at least one course in order to participate. 

4.      Part-time students are encouraged to be a part of the spiritual life of LWCS (chapels, spiritual emphasis events) along with other extracurricular opportunities.

5.      Admission will be granted only if students meet requirements and space is available.

6.      Students will receive a transcript from LWCS for all courses they successfully complete.



1.       Part-time families will be required to fill out the online application, set up an interview with the secondary principal, and meet all LWCS admission requirements.

2.       All part-time students are held to the same standards of traditional students and must agree to abide by the guidelines found in the student handbook.  This includes but is not limited to attendance, behavior, grade expectations, dress code, cell phone policy, and all other expectations for those who attend classes on campus.

3.       Tuition assistance is not available for part-time students.


Costs and Fees:

                Application Fee:                                                                                             $27 (1st year only)

                Registration fee:                                                                                             $250                                                      

                Cost Per Course:

                                Semester Course                                                                           $600                                      

                                Full Year General or Honors Course                                              $1,200                                                   

                                Full Year AP or Dual Credit Course                                                $1,300                                      

                                Athletic Fee per Sport                                                                   $150


         Part-time students may take up to three classes.  More than three is considered full-time.

         Textbooks, testing fees, and supplemental materials are not included in the cost of the course.

         Dual/concurrent courses may have additional fees beyond that included in the course fee.

         All payments are non-refundable.